quarta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2009

TURMAS 101 E 102 | Trabalho do 3º trimestre: Freedom Writers

* Fazer com que os alunos demonstrem conhecimento através de questões do estilo ‘verdadeiro ou falso’, bem como opinem mostrando senso crítico;
* Fazer com que tenham contato com obra cinematográfica e repensem seu agir na escola através dela.
* Valer-se da interdisciplinariedade (Inglês e Artes) como forma de aprendizagem.

1. Formar duplas ou trios.

2. Assistir ao filme ‘Escritores da Liberdade’.

3. Responder ao que segue:

3.1 True (T) or false (F)?

a) Freedom Writers is a 2007 drama film starring Hilary Swank. It is based on the book The Freedom Writers Diary by teacher Erin Gruwell, who wrote the story based on Woodrow Wilson Classical High School in Long Beach, California. ( )

b) The storyline of the movie takes place between 1992-1995. Hilary Swank plays the role of Erin Gruwell, a new, excited schoolteacher who leaves the safety of her hometown, Newport Beach, to teach at Woodrow Wilson High School in Long Beach, where a new integration program puts students of all backgrounds and races in classes together. ( )

c) Erin Gruwell is an Arts teacher. ( )

d) Students are great friends in the classroom. ( )

e) The teacher has a very good personal life. She is very happy with her husband. He understands his wife’s job. ( )

3.2 What do you think about? (This part can be answered in Portuguese)

a) What do you think about education in public schools?

b) If you had to study in an integration program (similar to the film), what would you do?

c) Do you think violence can be used at schools? Why (not)?

d) At school, Gruwell intercepts a racist drawing of one of her students and uses it to teach them about the Holocaust. What do you think about racism?

e) What have you learned with this movie? Do you think you are similar to the students in it? How do you act at school?

4. O trabalho deve ser entregue impresso ou escrito ao professor.

5. A dupla (ou o trio) deve estar preparada(o) para um pequeno seminário em sala de aula sobre o filme no dia da entrega.

6. Inspirados no filme, façam um desenho sobre ele, algo que reflita sua mensagem ou seu pensamento sobre o conteúdo.

7. Valor: 10 pontos divididos da seguinte forma:
- 5 pontos para a parte impressa/escrita (questões dos itens 3.1 e 3.2 respondidas mais o desenho);
- 5 pontos para a participação no seminário.

8. Data da entrega e do seminário: 11/11/09.

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