Guys, during March, we study the material Lições do Rio Grande. I want to know your opinion about it. Did you like it? Yes or no? Why? Did you learn with it? Tell me how you felt.
Not liked, it was very tiring and almost all the subject matters became repetitive. I did not learn much, not ... Because it was more a book of opinions than a content of teaching and learning.
Do not like it. Because I thought, very tiring, boring, and who created the book does not know the reality of public school because we had no space for certain activities, such as computer lab. And not learned more than I already knew.
I will not say I did not like, but also very interesting. The themes were used for study and present, of some controversy, but still in some materials the content was too repetitive.
We do not like much of the book despite there are issues of great importance, we find it very tiring, do not learn much beyond the knowledge we already had on the matter, we believe that teachers should have more free time to prepare their lessons, so that we would Learn more.
We like to work with this book in a matter of different tasks never worked before, and creative tasks, like creating a movie! The rest of the content was not very nice, it was boring and tiring, but we can learn new things : D
I did not like, because the classes were many repetitive and only related to films, were questions of interpretation of the trailer of the films. But the how learnt of different went on the relatings pronouns, but the exercises on the material were few. Believe how every (teacher and students) feel pressioned with the book, because the classes were readied and the teacher only followed the instructions of the book.
O material veio para nós e para os professores de surpresa, fazendo com que os planos curriculares fossem mudados. Alguns educadores gostaram desta proposta, outros detestaram, até porque a escola não é preparada para trabalhar em cima deste tipo de material, que pede muito o uso de internet e vídeo; ela possui salas pequenas para bastantes alunos e, também. poucos computadores. Em muitas matérias, os assuntos foram muito repetitivos. Concluindo, posso dizer que o livro não foi uma boa ideia do governo, pois deixou todos nós presos sem poder criar aulas diferentes e descontraídas. Não gostaria que isso se repetisse.
I did not like because the matters to be addressed were complicated further the book was pulled too did the lessons are the same thing without anything different classes and it did get tiresome. Besides this, our school does not have as many features as the book asked. I thought bad in all subjects because I think every teacher to teach ten that the way you like and not the way the government thinks is right. Learn until I learned that we can all learn what we want so it engages.
: not like any little, all subjects were speaking the same thing all the same subject material, a matter which two spoke also spoke of ondi have seen teaches drawing triangle, the love god di Aunt Ieda the concept has nothing di, ta for making it so money.
We do not like! Caught by surprise the teachers and students learned a few things we learned was that we practice by doing exercises, it was very annoying some disciplines, others interesting, but it was a little repititivo seemed that addressed the same subject was not always cool!
Sou professor e escritor patrulhense. Formado em Letras - Português/Inglês (UNISINOS) e pós-graduado em Educação em Direitos Humanos (FURG), Educação para a Diversidade (UFRGS), Educação Ambiental (FURG), Gestão Escolar: Orientação e Supervisão (São Luís), Língua, Literatura e Ensino (FURG) e Gestão Pública Municipal (FURG). Tenho formação continuada como Agente Cultural (IFSul). Escrevo poemas, contos, crônicas e romances. Publico desde 2009. Integro o Grêmio Literário Patrulhense desde 2013, sendo o presidente da entidade no biênio 2023-2025. Como professor, atuo desde 2009, tendo já passado pelas redes pública e privada de ensino, dedicando-me, atualmente, apenas a aulas particulares individuais ou em pequenos grupos.
Like, a little, but the bad part was that the content was not so interesting, and not taught much as expected.
ResponderExcluirChristian, Christiane 301
não gostei nem um pouco,só em algumas não aprendi nada do que eu não sabia...e também não levei nada.....
ResponderExcluirTatiana 301
We do not like, because the teachers were very attached to this material, but in relation to matters like study.
ResponderExcluirCarine e Elizandra
This post will receive comments until April, 22nd.
ResponderExcluirNot like the book Lições do Rio Grande. Because,I found it very repetitive and tiring.
ResponderExcluirI did not learn much beyond what I already know.
Not liked, it was very tiring and almost all the subject matters became repetitive. I did not learn much, not ... Because it was more a book of opinions than a content of teaching and learning.
ResponderExcluirDo not like it. Because I thought, very tiring, boring, and who created the book does not know the reality of public school because we had no space for certain activities, such as computer lab. And not learned more than I already knew.
ResponderExcluirI will not say I did not like, but also very interesting. The themes were used for study and present, of some controversy, but still in some materials the content was too repetitive.
ResponderExcluirWe do not like much of the book despite there are issues of great importance, we find it very tiring, do not learn much beyond the knowledge we already had on the matter, we believe that teachers should have more free time to prepare their lessons, so that we would Learn more.
ResponderExcluirWe like to work with this book in a matter of different tasks never worked before, and creative tasks, like creating a movie! The rest of the content was not very nice, it was boring and tiring, but we can learn new things : D
ResponderExcluirI did not like, because the classes were many repetitive and only related to films, were questions of interpretation of the trailer of the films. But the how learnt of different went on the relatings pronouns, but the exercises on the material were few. Believe how every (teacher and students) feel pressioned with the book, because the classes were readied and the teacher only followed the instructions of the book.
O material veio para nós e para os professores de surpresa, fazendo com que os planos curriculares fossem mudados. Alguns educadores gostaram desta proposta, outros detestaram, até porque a escola não é preparada para trabalhar em cima deste tipo de material, que pede muito o uso de internet e vídeo; ela possui salas pequenas para bastantes alunos e, também. poucos computadores.
ResponderExcluirEm muitas matérias, os assuntos foram muito repetitivos.
Concluindo, posso dizer que o livro não foi uma boa ideia do governo, pois deixou todos nós presos sem poder criar aulas diferentes e descontraídas. Não gostaria que isso se repetisse.
Geizebel - 301
I did not like because the matters to be addressed were complicated further the book was pulled too did the lessons are the same thing without anything different classes and it did get tiresome. Besides this, our school does not have as many features as the book asked. I thought bad in all subjects because I think every teacher to teach ten that the way you like and not the way the government thinks is right. Learn until I learned that we can all learn what we want so it engages.
ResponderExcluir: not like any little, all subjects were speaking the same thing all the same subject material, a matter which two spoke also spoke of ondi have seen teaches drawing triangle, the love god di Aunt Ieda the concept has nothing di, ta for making it so money.
ResponderExcluirWe do not like! Caught by surprise the teachers and students learned a few things we learned was that we practice by doing exercises, it was very annoying some disciplines, others interesting, but it was a little repititivo seemed that addressed the same subject was not always cool!
ResponderExcluirThanks for your comments. This post is finished.
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